Book an Appointment
IMPORTANT!!! IF THIS IS YOUR FIRST VISIT… you MUST call the Office at (714) 907 0086 to make that first appointment! We can also answer any questions you may have before you come in.
New patients require 30 minutes and that ISN’T AVAILABLE ONLINE. This online service is ONLY for a returning patient visit which is limited to 10 minutes.
IF YOU BOOK ONLINE and you are a FIRST TIME PATIENT, you will be scheduled for 10 minutes, which will prevent you from getting the time and attention Dr Philipson needs to properly evaluate and treat you. So help us give you the BEST treatment possible and follow this guideline!
THANK YOU AND WE LOOK FORWARD TO HELPING YOU!!!Welcome to our online booking site
Chiropractic is the Art and Science of finding and correcting Subluxations. At the simplest level of understanding, a Subluxation is a vertebra that is restricted in its motion . It can cause swelling, pain and nerve compression. When left uncorrected, it can accelerate arthritic changes at that region.
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to view available appointment times

Need Help? 714 907 0086